ホーム > J-TOCについて > TOC-ICOからのメッセージ


2005年、当会設立に際し、TOCの認定機関として、世界規模でTOCの普及活動を行っている、TOI-ICO(Theory of Constraints International Certification Organization)から寄せられたメッセージです。

TOC-ICO会長 アラン・バーナード

日本TOC推進協議会会長 小林英三殿


Dear Mr. Eizo Kobayashi,
On behalf of the TOCICO Board of Directors and all our members around the world, I want to congratulate you, your board of directors and promoters on the formation and inauguration of the Japan TOC Advancing Committee (JTAC).
I also want to congratulate you on the comprehensive program of events JTAC has already scheduled for 2005, especially the TOC Symposium on the 8th April. I believe JTAC will play a vital part in helping promote and further advance TOC not only within Japan but also within its neighbouring countries and the region at large.

The purpose of the TOCICO is to establish Internationally recognized Certification standards and certification processes for TOC practitioners and implementers as well as to promote and provide access to the TOC Body of Knowledge via our annual conference, regional events and partnerships with organization such as JTAC.
We would like to invite JTAC and all your members to also become members of TOCICO as well as to participate on our Certification Sub-committees (representing your special regional objectives). Our members benefit from access to the TOCICO Certification Standards and Testing as well as sharing practitioner and implementation experiences at events such as our Annual conference which will this year be held from the 12th to 16th November in Barcelona, Spain.
Please extend our congratulations and best wishes to all the attendees of your TOC Symposium and a special warm welcome to all those that are new to TOC.
Alan Barnard Chairperson, TOCICO

エリヤキンマネジメント社長(TOC-ICO 認定運営委員会チーフ) エリ・シュラーゲンハイム


I'm delighted to hear about the Japan TOC Advancing Committee. I look with great anticipation to the future where TOC will really become the leading way to manage. The value to the world would be, to my mind, huge.
Japan has a very special place in the area of management. It was Japan who made a dramatic step in the internalization of new ways to manage large organizations and led the whole world in learning how to challenge common yet flawed paradigms. Japan came up first with the win-win culture in business and taught the world how quality, fast flow, high reliability and very low inventories are all central to truly successful manufacturing.
It is now the time for Japan and the rest of the world to learn more about the next step in successful management. I believe TOC can bring the next step of achievement.
Right now, when I write this blessing message, I'm in Mumbai, India, in the midst of the TOC Application Expert program. This is the second program that I deliver here in India. I'm delighted to see the enthusiasm of the participants, who are going to take an important part in some of the Viable Vision projects here in India. There is no doubt in my mind that some time in the future I'll find myself delivering such a course in Japan. I'm very proud that three of the books I co-authored have been translated to Japanese. Now I like to be invited to teach TOC in Japan - such an invitation would make me very happy.
So, I give my Japanese colleagues my blessing for spreading the TOC message and advancing the wisdom of TOC in Japan. It is important to the world as a whole.
Best wishes
Eli Schragenheim

ジョージア大学教授(TOC-ICO 認定運営委員会委員) ジム・コックス


Congratulations on the inauguration meeting of JTAC. This is a necessary step in spreading the word of the power of TOC in solving organization, government, team and personal problems. TOC should provide the fundamental thinking processes in all problem areas. It provides a logical means of identifying and communicating practical solutions.
Jim Cox

ベイラー大学生産管理教授(TOC-ICO プロジェクトマネジメント認定小委員会 委員) マイク・アンブル


I am extremely pleased to hear about the formation of the Japan TOC Advancing Committee.
For many years, I have observed the continuing development of the Theory of Constraints body of knowledge and the rapidly increasing number of successful worldwide TOC applications in a wide variety of industries and organizations. It is clear that TOC has developed into a powerful management philosophy that has virtually unlimited potential for improving both business and society.
Please allow me to offer my sincere heart-felt congratulations on the initiation of JTAC. Guided by its highly capable officers, I am sure JTAC will enjoy much future success.
Michael Umble
Professor of Operations Management
Baylor University

TOCインターナショナル社社長(TOC-ICO 認定運営委員会委員) ジェリー・ケンドール


To my friend and fellow TOC practioner, Eizo Kobayashi, chairman of JTAC, and to all of the executive and members of JTAC, I send my warmest congratulations.
Your desire to learn and spread the knowledge of the Theory of Constraints reminds me of the seed of a strong plant. When you put this seed into the minds and hearts of the people of Japan, you will make a big, positive difference in your country. Please accept my best wishes for your success, today and in the future.
Gerald I. Kendall

ストラテジー・バイ・デザイン社社長(ジョナズジョナ、TOC-ICO 思考プロセス認定小委員会委員) イレーン・フロスト


Murakami-san, congratulations to you and your colleagues on taking the initiative to create the JTAC. It will be very beneficial to give Executives in Japan the opportunity to learn more about the Theory of Constraints. I would be happy to help and support you in any way that I can, and I look forward to working with you again.
Elaine L. Frost
Jonah's Jonah Member of the TOCICO TP Examination Committee

The Product Development Institute, Inc CEO(TOC-ICO プロジェクトマネジメント認定小委員会 委員) トニー・リゾ


Despite the rare vintage that the Theory of Constraints promises, western managers continue to gulp the swill fermented from their cost-focused harvests. Therefore I am understandably excited by the knowledge that now there exists the Japan TOC Advancing Committee, particularly with Kobayashi-sama at the helm. Japan has led the rest of the world in so many aspects of industry during the last fifty years. It is only natural that Japan take the lead one more time. Western managers will follow Japan's example yet again, after the deleterious effects of their cheap brew wear off. Of this I have no doubt.
Tony Rizzo

ゴールシステム・インターナショナル社シニアパートナー ビル・デットマー


I am gratified to know that there will be a place in Japan where people who want to learn more about constraint theory can go to find out about it. Several TOC "user groups" in the U.S. have come and gone over the years. However, I trust that in Japan it will be different. Congratulations on the establishment of JTAC.
BILL DETTMER, Senior Partner
Goal Systems International

アフィニタスコンサルティンググループ プリンシパル(TOC-ICOメンバー) デイビッド・アップデグローブ

日本TOC推進協議会の設立を取組を耳にして大変嬉しく思っています。TOCは 生産工場での改善手法のみならず、現在及び将来にわたって改善し続けるしくみを作り、展開するための強力な思考スキルを提供をも提供しています。私は日本の改善プログラムが組み込まれたTOCが日本経済の復活を助けると信じています。日本TOC推進協議会がTOCの知識やスキルはオープンで誰でも使用する事ができるというゴールドラット博士の基本方針を尊重するならば、日本TOC推進協議会は, ゴールドラット博士の夢の達成を助けることになるでしょう。私はまた日本企業が、どのように現在のTOCアプリケーションを改良するのかという事に興味を持っています。そして日本が数年の間に世界のTOCと改善のリーダーになることを期待しています。

I am very excited to hear about the formation of the Japan TOC Advancing Committee. The Theory of Constraints provides both the powerful tools to greatly improve production, and the thinking skills required to develop and deploy new, robust methods to continue improving far into the future. I truly believe that incorporating TOC as an integral part of kaizen programs can help return Japan to economic strength.It has always been Dr. Goldratt's commitment that TOC knowledge be open and free. The Japan TOC Advancing Committee will help achieve Dr. Goldratt's dream. I am also very interested to see how Japanese companies will improve upon the current TOC applications and ideas. I fully expect Japan to become the world leader in TOC and improvement in production in the next few years.
David Updegrove, Principal
Afinitus Group, LLC.

ピナクル・スタラテジー社社長/CEO(TOC-ICOメンバー) マーク・ウォッペル


To the members of JTAC:
Congratulations on your inauguration. Your founding members have informed me of your organization and its noble objectives. As a long-time practitioner and implementer of the Theory of Constraints, I am confident your members will enjoy the benefits of these important concepts and tools, namely, the improvement of Japanese industry and economy.
I wish your organization a successful and harmonious future.I look forward to the international cooperation and sharing that has been the hallmark of the ToC community of consultants and practitioners.
Mark Woeppel

TEL : 03-6826-8035
FAX : 03-5282-2417
